Ответы к упражнению 5

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Упражнение на отработку


Exercise 5

  1. переведите предложение
  2. сделайте из него отрицательное предложение
  3. общий вопрос
  4. краткие ответы к нему
  5. альтернативный вопрос
  6. ответ к нему
  7. специальный вопрос
  8. ответ к нему
  1. Этот лев в клетке.

1.1 This lion is in the cage. 1.2. This lion is not (isn’t) in the cage. 1.3. Is this lion in the cage?  1.4. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.  1.5. Is this lion in the cage or in the park (street…flat…)?  1.6. It’s in the cage.  1.7. Where is this lion?  1.8. It’s in the cage.

  1. Те тигры в зоопарке.

2.1. Those tigers are in the zoo.  2.2. Those tigers are not (aren’t) in the zoo.  2.3. Are those tigers in the zoo?  2.4. Yes, they are. No they are not (aren’t).  2.5. Are those tigers in the zoo or in the circus (restaurant…cinema…)? 2.6. They are in the zoo.  2.7. Where are those tigers? 2.8. They are in the zoo.

  1. Тот рассказ длинный.

 3.1. That story is long.  3.2. That story is not (isn’t) long.  3.3. Is that story long?  3.4. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.  3.5. Is that story long or short?  3.6. It’s long  3.7. What story is that? (What is that story like? What kind of story is that?)  3.8. It’s long.

  1. Эти актеры сейчас на сцене.

4.1. These actors are on the stage now.  4.2. These actors are not (aren’t) on the stage now.  4.3. Are these actors on the stage now?  4.4. Yes, they are. No, they are not.  4.5. Are these actors on the stage or in the restaurant (bar…party…)now.  4.6. They are on the stage.  4.7. Where are these actors now? 4.8. They are on the stage.

  1. Это хороший парк.

5.1. This is a good park. 5.2. This is not (isn’t) a good park.  5.3. Is this a good park?  5.4. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.  5.5. Is this a good or a bad park?  5.6. It’s a good park. 5.7. What park is this (What is this park like? What kind of park is this?)  5.8. It’s good.

  1. То красные флаги.

6.1. Those are red flags.  6.2. Those are not (aren’t) red flags.  6.3. Are those red flags?  6.4. Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).  6.5. Are those red or white (yellow…green…) flags.  6.6. They are red flags.  6.7. What color are those flags?  6.8. They are red.

  1. Те флаги красные

7.1. Those flags are red.  7.2. Those flags are not (aren’t) red.  7.3. Are those flags red?  7.4. Yes,  They are. No, they are not (aren’t).  7.5. Are those flags red or white?  7.6. They are red.  7.7. What color are those flags?  7.8. They are red.

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