Ответы к упражнению 2

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Exercise 2

  1. переведите предложение
  2. сделайте из него отрицательное предложение
  3. общий вопрос
  4. краткие ответы к нему
  5. альтернативный вопрос
  6. ответ к нему
  7. специальный вопрос
  8. ответ к нему 

То свинья.

1.1. That is a pig.  1.2. That is not (isn’t) a pig.  1.3. Is that a pig?  1.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  1.5. Is that a pig or a cow (crocodile…dog…)?  1.6. It’s a pig.  1.7. What is that?  (What’s that?) 1.8 It’s a pig.

  1. Та черная свинья.

2.1. That is a black pig.  2.2 That is not (isn’t) a black pig.  2.3. Is that a black pig?  2.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  2.5. Is that a black or a white pig?  2.6. It’s a black pig.   2.7. What color is that pig?  2. It’s black.

  1. Та маленькая свинья.

3.1. That is a small pig. 3.1. That is not (isn’t) a small pig.  3.3. Is that a small pig?  3.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  3.5. Is that a big or a small pig?  3.6. It’s a small pig.  3.7. What pig is that? (What kind of pig is that? What is that pig like?)  3.8. it’s small.

  1. Та его свинья.

4.1. That is his pig. 4.2. That is not (isn’t) his pig.  4.3. Is that his pig?  4.4. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.  4.5. Is that his or her (our…their…) pig? 4.6. It’s his pig. 4.7. Whose pig is that?  4.8. It’s his.

  1. Та свинья во дворе.

 5.1. That pig is in the yard.  5.2. That pig is not (isn’t) in the yard.  5.3. Is that pig in the yard?  5.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  5.5. Is that pig in the yard or in the garden?  5.6. It’s in the yard.  5.7. Where is that pig?  5.8. It’s in the yard.

То куст.

1.1. That is a bush. 1.2. That is not (isn’t) a bush.  1.3. Is that a bush?  1.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  1.5. Is that a bush or a tree (stone…flower)? 1.6. It’s a bush.  1.7. What is that? (What’s that?)  1.8. It’s a bush

  1. Тот зеленый куст.

 2.1. That is a green bush. 2.2. That is not (isn’t) a green bush.  2.3. Is that a green bush?   2.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  2.5. Is that a green or a yellow (white…grey…) bush?  2.6. It’s a green bush.  2.7. What color is that bush?  2.8. It’s green.

  1. Тот большой куст.

3.1. That is a big bush.  3.2. That is not (isn’t) a big bush.  3.3 Is that a big bush?   3.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  3.5. Is that a big or a small bush?  3.6. It’s a big bush.  3.7. What bush is that? (What kind of bush is that? What is that bush like?)  3.8. It’s big.

  1. Тот ее куст.

4.1. That is her bush. 4.2. That is (isn’t) her bush.  4.3. Is that her bush?  4.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  4.5. Is that her or his (our…their…) bush?  4.6. It’s her bush.  4.7. Whose bush is that?  4.8. It’s hers.

  1. Тот куст в саду.

5.1. That bush is in the garden. 5.2. That bush is not (isn’t) in the garden.  5.3. Is that bush in the garden?  5.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t. 5.5. Is that bush in the garden or in the park (forest…flower bed…)?  5.6. It’s in the garden.  5.7. Where is that bush?  5.8. It’s in the garden.

То ворона.

1.1. That is a crow.  1.2. That is not (isn’t) a crow.  1.3. Is that a crow?  1.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  1.5. Is that a crow or a parrot (eagle…sparrow)?  1.6. It’s a crow. 1.7. What is that? (What’s that?)  1.8. It’s a crow

  1. То белая ворона.

2.1. That is a white crow. 2.2. That is not (isn’t) a white crow.  2.3. Is that a white crow?  2.4. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.  2.5. Is that a white or a black crow?  2.6. It’s a white crow.  2.7. What color is that crow?  2.8. It’s white.

  1. Та толстая ворона.

3.1. That is a fat crow.  3.2. That is not (isn’t) a fat crow.  3.3. Is that a fat crow?  3.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  3.5. Is that a fat or a thin crow?  3.6. It’s a fat crow.  3.7. What crow is that? (What kind of crow is that? What is that crow like?)  3.8. It’s fat.

  1. То наша ворона.

4.1. That is our crow.  4.2. That is not (isn’t) our crow.  4.3. Is that our crow?  4.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.  4.5. Is that our or your (his…her…) crow?  4.6. It’s our crow.  4.7. Whose crow is that?  4.8. It’s ours

  1. Та ворона на дереве.

5.1. That crow is in the tree. 5.2. That crow is not (isn’t) in the tree.  5.3. Is that crow in the tree?  5.4. Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t. 5.5. Is that crow in the tree or in the bush (house…cage)?  5.6. It’s in the tree.  5.7. Where is that crow?  5.8. It’s in the tree.

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