Ответы к упражнению 3

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Упражнение на отработку


Exercise 3

  1. переведите предложение
  2. сделайте из него отрицательное предложение
  3. общий вопрос
  4. краткие ответы к нему
  5. альтернативный вопрос
  6. ответ к нему
  7. специальный вопрос
  8. ответ к нему

Это носки.

1.1. These are socks.  1.2. These are not (aren’t) socks.  1.3. Are these socks?  1.4. Yes, they are.  No, they are not (aren’t). 1.5. Are these socks or shoes?  1.6. They are socks. 1.7.  What are these?  1.8. They are socks

  1. Это синие носки.

 2.1. These are blue socks.  3.2. These are not (aren’t) blue socks.  3.3. Are these blue socks?  3.4. Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t). 3.5. Are these blue or brown socks? 3.6. They are blue socks.  3.7. What  color are these socks? 3.8. They are blue.

  1. Это длинные носки.

3.1. These are long socks.  3.2. These are not (aren’t) long socks.  3.3. Are these long socks?  3.4. Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t). 3.5. Are these long or short socks? 3.6. They are long socks.  3.7. What socks are these? (What kind of socks are these? What are these socks like?) 3.8. They are long.

  1. Эти мои носки.

 4.1. These are my socks.  4.2. These are not (aren’t) my socks. 4.3.  Are these my socks?  4.4. Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).  4.5. Are these my or your (his…her…) socks? 4.6. They are my socks. 4.7. Whose socks are these?  4.8. They are mine.

  1. Эти носки на полке.

5.1. These socks are on the shelf. 5.2. These socks are not (aren’t) on the shelf. 5.3. Are these socks on the shelf?  5.4. Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t). 5.5. Are these socks on the shelf or on the sofa (chair…bed…)?  5.6. They are on the shelf.  5.7. Where are these socks?  5.8. They are on the shelf.

 Это окна.

1.1. These are windows. 1.2. These are not (aren’t) windows. 1.3. Are these windows?  1.4. Yes, they are.  No, they are not (aren’t).  1.5. Are these windows or doors (holes…chinks)?  1.6. They are windows. 1.7. What are these?  1.8. They are windows. 

  1. Это зеленые окна.

2.1. These are green windows. 2.2. These are not (aren’t) green windows. 2.3. Are these green windows? 2.4. Yes, they are.  No they are not (aren’t).  2.5. Are these green or yellow (blue…brown) windows?  2.6. They are green windows.  2.7. What color are these windows?  2.8. They are green.

  1. Это большие окна.

3.1. These are big windows.  3.2. These are not (aren’t) big windows.  3.3. Are these big windows?  3.4. Yes, they are.  No, they are not (aren’t.) 3.5. Are these big or small windows? 3.6. They are big windows.  3.7. What windows are these? (What kind of windows are these? What are these windows like?).  3.8. They are big.

  1. Это мои окна.

 4.1. These are my windows. 4.2. These are not (aren’t) my windows.  4.3. Are these my windows?  4.4. Yes, they are.  No, they are not (aren’t).  4.5. Are these my or your (their…his…) windows?  4.6. They are my windows.  4.7. Whose windows are these? 4.8. They are mine.

  1. Эти большие окна в маленьком доме.

5.1. These big windows are in the small house.  5.2. These big windows are not (aren’t) in the small house. 5.3. Are these big windows in the small house?  5.4. Yes, they are.  No, they are not (aren’t).  5.5. Are these big windows in the big or in the small house?  5.6. They are in the small house.  5.7. Where are these big windows?  5.8. They are in the big house.

Это вазы.

1.1. These are vases. 1.2. These are not (aren’t) vases.  1.3. Are these vases?  1.4. Yes, they are.  No, they are not (aren’t).  1.5. Are there vases or glasses (cups…mugs)?  1.6. They are vases.  1.7. What are these? 1.8. They are vases.

  1. Это белые вазы.

2.1. These are white vases. 2.2. These are not (aren’t) white vases.  2.3. Are these white vases?  2.4. Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).  2. 5. Are these white or black vases?  2.6. They are white vases.  2.7. What color are these vases?  2.8. They are white.

  1. Это красивые вазы.

3.1. These are beautiful vases.  3.2. These are not (aren’t) beautiful vases.  3.3. Are these beautiful vases?  3.4. Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).  3.5. Are these beautiful or homely vases?  3.6. They are beautiful vases. 3.7. What vases are these? (What kind of vases are these? What are these vases like?)  3.8. They are beautiful.

  1. Это их вазы.

4.1. These are their vases. 4.2. These are not (aren’t) their vases.  4.3. Are these their vases? 4.4. Yes, they are.  No, they are not (aren’t). 4.5. Are these their or your (his…her…) vases? 4.6. They are their vases. 4.7. Whose vases are these? 4.8. They are theirs.

  1. Эти вазы в музее.

5.1 These vases are in the museum. 5.2. These vases are not (aren’t) in the museum. 5.3. Are these vases in the museum?  5.4. Yes, they are.  No, they are not (aren’t).  5.5. Are these vases in the museum or in the flat?  5.6. They are in the museum.  5.7. Where are these vases?  5.8. They are in the museum.

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